Products & Suppliers

We can order in Horley's Sports Supplements and Nutritional Solutions on request. To see the full range speak to Andrew or email us for full details and pricing.

Sports Tape
We use Rigid Strapping Tape, 3NS Dynamic Tape and can supply underwrap for those with sensitive skin or allergies.
Prices are dependant on quantity. We can supply by the box/tube or small lengths for in clinic strapping.

Foam Rollers
We can supply foam rollers, swiss balls and other therapeutic aides. Contact us for further information and prices.

Massage Wax and Rubs
We use Allcare Massage Wax in clinic and can supply smaller pots for home use. We can also supply Antiflamme.

Resistance Band
We keep a supply of medium resistance exercise band in clinic and can order in other resistances at your request. Resistance band may be able to assist you in your rehabilitation and your physiotherapist will discuss this with you.

Wheat Bags
We have two sizes of Wheatbag:
Standard Wheatbags are $10.00
Small Wheatbags are $5.00 and are great as cold packs when kept in the freezer in a sealed plastic bag or container.