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About Us

Total Body Training is an ACC Accredited Physiotherapy Clinic servicing Taupo Township and the Greater Taupo District.


Clinic Owner and Lead Physiotherapist Andrew Clark is passionate about providing his clients with great service and the best possible outcomes during their treatment.

As an ACC Accredited Provider of Physiotherapy Services we can treat under existing ACC Claims and lodge applications for funding for new injuries on your behalf. We do not require a GP or other Healthcare Provider referral for treatment, but can refer clients for Specialist & Radiology opinions where applicable.

Total Body Training understands that an injury, even a small one, can disrupt your life and prevent you from taking part in the activities you enjoy. We are committed to assisting our clients in whatever way possible to allow them the best chance at total rehabilitation.

We look forward to seeing how we can assist you in managing your injury or illness.

taupo physio, andrew clark taupo, physiotherapy taupo , physio taupo, acc physio taupo
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